Services > Riding Training >


La nostra scuola equestre offre dei lezioni di equitazione in italiano.
Per informazioni:
Tülin Balkan-Flossmann
0553 416 79 60

Unser Reitclub bietet Reitstunden in deutscher Sprache.
Für nähere Informationen:
Tülin Balkan-Flossmann
0553 416 79 60

Riding Training

There are four maneges in our facility, in which there is horse-riding training programs for each level with trained well-kept horses and both national and international experienced trainers: one open manege measuring 80 X 50 m, one covered manege measuring 65 X 35 m, one half open manege measuring 55 X 25 m, one open pony manege measuring 20 X 10 m which is used for our pony trainings,

In cold weather you can watch ridings while having your drink and meal from our indoor café & restaurants, and in sunny weather you can watch them from our view terraces.

In our club there are also ponies for junior riders as well as for the new adult jockeys. There are ponies appropriate for children’s ages and physical features. For example, for the ones between 4-7 years old there are rides with ponies accompanied by a trainer and a stableman; for the ones over seven years old there are riding training lessons given by professional trainers; in summer holidays there are riding trainings both theoretical and practical as well as swimming lessons as a part of our summer school programmes. Also there are supportive lessons for mentally retard people’s hippotherapy treatment process.

Dila Equestrian Sports Club © 2013. All Rights Reserved.