La nostra scuola equestre offre dei lezioni di equitazione in italiano.
Per informazioni: Tülin Balkan-Flossmann 0553 416 79 60
Unser Reitclub bietet Reitstunden in deutscher Sprache.
Für nähere Informationen: Tülin Balkan-Flossmann 0553 416 79 60
There are four maneges in our facility, in which there is horse-riding training programs for each level with trained well-kept horses and both national and international experienced trainers: one open manege measuring 80 X 50 m, one covered manege measuring 65 X 35 m, one half open manege measuring 55 X 25 m, one open pony manege measuring 20 X 10 m which is used for our pony trainings,
There is special silica and a product called prosol on all manege floors in order to minimize jockey wounding and keep the health of horses. Also debris and water accumulation are prevented by building up manege floors including six layers.
We are carrying out maintenance of floors which are prepared for the comfort of our horses and jockeys, with professional equestrian maintenance machines.
Because horses are affected from the environmental factors in our maneges, special lightings, special roof systems, special gables and insulating materials are used.
The barriers on raceways are built with materials of international quality which are imported from abroad having special design and not harmful for your horses.
In all of our maneges there is security camera system and by the help of this system our jockeys can watch their jumps and have chance to correct their deficiencies.