Services > Horse Pension (horse Care) Service >


La nostra scuola equestre offre dei lezioni di equitazione in italiano.
Per informazioni:
Tülin Balkan-Flossmann
0553 416 79 60

Unser Reitclub bietet Reitstunden in deutscher Sprache.
Für nähere Informationen:
Tülin Balkan-Flossmann
0553 416 79 60

Horse Pension (Horse Care) Service

There is a permanent veterinarian in our club in which there are stablemen caring horses one to one and also a specialist veterinarian who makes medical examinations of race horses of Olympic Games, for routine controls of our horses. Feeding and practicing programs of our horses are scheduled and implemented by professional veterinarians and trainers.

The feeding programmes (proportion of concentrate feed, roughage, pellet food and mixed food) and working tables of all the horses in our facility are applied and controlled by the professional veterinarians and trainers. All indoor and outdoor places in our facility are disinfected periodically under the control of PES Control Company which is of international quality.

There is security camera system all over the facility from inside to maneges via which ridings and trainings are watched 24 hours 365 days.

Our club, which hosts horse races organized by Turkish Equestrian Federation, there are 150 boxes for club horses, pension horses and guest horses. Also there is a big paddock, on which they can eat fresh grass, in order to make horses feel at nature and which is good for their rehabilitations. There is a horseshoe-house, a solarium machine which helps horses relaxing and preventing muscle pain, a lonj field in which horses coached one to one, a system called walker on which horses can walk and whose speed is controllable.

Our horse transportations (van), which are used for new horses or the ones racing in different cities, are also in service for our horse owners benefiting from our facility.

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